Emily Chang’s Favorites

Mike Chang
3px Three next cities I'm meant to be visiting soon are at war - Bangkok airport still in lockdown, Sri Lanka in civil war, Mumbai under attack.
UnBeige Lights! Camera! Takashi! Murakami to open an animation/film studio in Hollywood:
Howard Rheingold
hrheingold Revision of revised draft finished. Now to make burnt offerings to gods of revision.
Teresa Wu
resawu researching and such on a friday night. nerd glasses ON!
Andrew Mager
mager We need a better TechMeme. Who wants to build it?
Tiny Buddha
tinybuddha "Logic will get you from a to b, imagination will take you everywhere" ~Albert Einstein
Brian McNitt
mcnitt is pointing a giant imaginary hair dryer at the sf fog monster.
Tiny Buddha
tinybuddha "The people who oppose your ideas are inevitably those who represent the established order that your ideas will upset." ~Anthony D'Angelo
UnBeige "I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste." -Marcel Duchamp
Brian Solis
briansolis I follow you for your ideas, personality, wit, sense of humor and insight, nothing less, nothing more.
Jacob Morgan
jacobm gnite folks, I leave you with a quote "“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion” ~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ...
dilvie @emilychang I don't really favorite my own tweets. My narcissism needs no feeding. ;)
Ponzi Pirillo
ponzarelli I'm missing a friend and thinking about old fun conversations... and wondering how sometimes we drift from those we shouldn't.
Jennifer Wilson
jwilson33 Seeing is believing. Depiction of 2,000,000 plastic bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.
pierrenel I'm declaring war on declaring war.
Bill / 葛威
BillGlover @emilychang Over here in the UK, the moon was huge this morning. I guess it's the same moon.
Santosh P
santoshp @emilychang its called poornima in india means full moon day.. happens to be one of our festivals today
MarsPhoenix [From Phoenix mission ops: Phoenix is no longer communicating with Earth. We'll continue to listen, but it's likely its mission has ended.]
MarsPhoenix 01010100 01110010 01101001 01110101 01101101 01110000 01101000 <3
Clive Thompson
pomeranian99 I have just never enjoyed sushi, like, *ever*. It's like eating a plate of severed tongues. The appeal utterly eludes me.



Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams veen rae brune Maggie Mason Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Colin Schlüter Nitin om Narendra Dave McClure Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe adam Hillary Hartley Scott Beale David Crow Thomas Vander Wal Lynn Wallenstein Hiten Shah john curley leftsider Jason Calacanis lane Fru Elliott Ng Michael Sippey Derek Powazek
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