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@shelisrael Yep I agree. The fatal flaw: PRIDE. Thought we could control highly complex system...but we can' unintended consequences!
@shelisrael I think there is a Copernican Revolution in the making..but unfortunately its too complex + I'm lacking in education 2 parse it
@shelisrael Did u read "why we are so mean to the auto cos. and so nice to banks"? TIME Curious Capitalist:
Harsh condemnation of Wall St. "A crime has been committed, bystanders many" from Nassim N. Taleb on FT:
Lively conversation on @DanHarris China Law Blog about sexism in China: (this kind of topic generates a lot of heat!) post about Chinese Old Man exercise machines in China: (I kinda like them myself!)
Reading about causes of hyperinflation in Weimar Germany: - (h/t @dexin)
@markwang99 always enjoy hearing your stories about your life in China!
Trying to better understand "The [Monetary] Velocity Factor" by reading John Mauldin on BigPicture blog:
NYTimes editorial warning of hubris in Obama cabinet:- "The Brightest Are Not Always the Best" (h/t @niubi)
Eating at Los Altos Taqueria, at the heart of Mtn View's "burrito triangle" Yum.
@Bundini a typo :) couldn't delete from my iPhone
Finally able to get to church in time to get kids into Sunday school. PTL (as they say)!
@enochchoi great seeing you at ALCF in passing. Sorry can't get together today!
@centernetworks good observation on people's bad judgement and how it's going to be difficult to change in this downturn
@DavidFeng Ima gonna go nukular with my Follower Cost! ;)
at my wife's department holiday party...kinda nice to have Twitter in case I get bored. ;)
@nerdseyeview have a great time in Portland with @bootsnall folks! Wish I could come. I love the pacific NW.
@jhagel good 2 see u on Twitter. I am outraged by privatized gains/socialized losses. The anger will get worse as real econ suffers in 09


Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman veen danah boyd Mary Hodder Kevin Fox Sean E Keener Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure David Ulevitch Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Michael Parekh Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Manuel Viloria Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Sanford B brendan jackson Joanne Wan Lisa McMillan Chaitanya Sagar Silk Road Nomads Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Becky McCray Glennia Jim Long Emily Chang Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Antonio Altamirano
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