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Just cleaned up my desk and took care of many nagging tasks. Now to play some games.
Watching the cat have a dream. He's so twitchy.
Surprisingly un-jetlagged. And heading into the office shortly.
Crashed out on the couch, reading email on my iPhone and catching up on Top Chef.
SYD to SFO. See ya in 14 hours, California. kthxbye
Food choices at the sydney international terminal = fail. Worst eating of the whole trip.
Sad that I won't be able to participate in because I'll be on an airplane home.
@captaincursor I don't think I have any characters left on Gorgonash. Just started playing on Maiev (horde).
Impressive machinima from 1K Project II.
Feeling a bit homesick. But still have two more days of fun & frolic (and presentations & meetings).
@captaincursor What server are you on?
Looking forward to getting together with Scollay for a drink later.
Still stormy here in Brisbane. I have a great view of the lightening from my room (and the internets is back).
Hating that the iPhone corrects down to done. The Internet is down at my hotel.
Having some time to myself for the first time in days. And the Internet is done at my hotel.
Met Yahtzee of Zero Puncuation tonight. Was not what I expected.
Getting ready for the Big Shots panel at the State Library in Brisbane.
I like many things about Australia. Internet connectivity is not one of them. Expensive and slooooooow.
Driving directly into a crazy lightening storm in Brisbane. Wow they have some weather here!
Enjoying the fact that I can drink a beer on the road. Hey, I'm not the one driving.


Buzz Andersen Scott Beale Glenda Courtney P Lulu Kevin Cheng MJ George Penston Nicole Lee Ernie Hsiung Tim Allen Eric M Jennifer Tharp Nadav Savio wendy owen Derrick Schneider Chip Russell brandon barber Leanne Waldal Charlie Cleveland dcweeks Caroleen Beatty Marcellas Neil Young 7au moses Lucie Moses andrewsheppard katerutter Elizabeth McLachlan captaincursor Phil Oye egon_ Raptr battletweets