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@LunaticSX I didn't actually go this year. Was is Allison's list?
@LunaticSX Chill to see you on twitter. How did you track me down?
just unexpectedly learned you can boot from a usb external drive with os x 10.5, if you have an intel based mac. Cool. Very surprised
3 cups of coffee, 400 email addresses sorted, I'm on the program to take care of business. 2 websites to work on & lots to sort and box up
@hrag Notr Am i. I don't have twitter on my phone. I use the web ui and this sec the twhirl app.
@hrag Sorry bout that, Course I did reply 60 min after your post. . Phone calls still wins when you gotta get the news.
Made a midnight arrival at a pals E. bay party. All were styled to for a 1940's premiere. A chill time was had.
@grogling I am coming now. Had stuff to do til this sec. But I need to shave and shower tho 1st for the pretties at your party, right?
@lanehartwell Bummer! You might try CardRaider to fix corrupt card best of luck
OK now I can go out. Fixed the link rot & updated old skol brian goggin site
@hrag Ring me at 415 640 3569. I'm soon going to a pals party in Hayward, Oakland or both. Oakland party dets:
Bummed my pal Wendee Key is moving to Kansas soon, just found out. She too is suddenly in a caretaking for parent sort of situation
Digging into twitter to the core level for self and future work. This is about making infoflow in the now.
Just made a Jaiku account user name kevinmathieu. Anyone use Jaiku?
@grogling I really thought at first you meant scanner as in photos.
@rodbauer Thanks for the insight on your definition of web 3. Good to learn. Best of luck with your vision for the twitter gig!
Just back from SVtwitter meeetup . Met some great folk. learned some amazing things from Adam G. The Kareoke killed the crowd tho
I need 2 practice. Kinda freaked out, Crank Ensemble may be performing with the pro musicians, the San Francisco Sinfonietta, end of May
@grogling Old fashioned dull brownie on safety