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Looking at Google Analytics with my daughter and trying to pronounce all the places that listen to Well-Rounded in Asia, Africa, Europe, etc
anyone have a 300 dpi version of the Facebook logo? Everything I'm finding on the web is 72 dpi. Need it for the next BosTix mailer.
instead of buying more useless crap for people of things they don't need, consider donating to 826:
I guess the real question is, do people who smoke cigars like the way they smell?
Microblogging would be better if Jeff Connoway tweeted (and maybe shared the account with Gary Busey).
I want the rooms in our house to look like the Ikea catalogue. Curently it is looking more like the inside of a Newbury Comics.
Editing interview with Monique Ortiz (A.K.A.C.O.D. and Bourbon Princess) while kids attack each other in the tub.
apple: new idea. when using shuffle on ipod there could be a "more from this artist" option so the playlist can take you to just their music
For all my pals that make $300K or more who want to connect Oh, wait, why would you be on an online social network?
@bailey_v exactly! gail gives me the willies. she belongs on cooking under fire.
Who do you like less, Padma or Gail?
"she's kinda like an artist, sitting on the floor. never finishes, she abandons, never shows a soul."
The Lot Six on laptop speakers simply doesn't cut it.
Favorite subject line of the day (so far): Starbucks Coffee is now following you on Twitter. If only I could have a latte on stand by
Michael Bracy of Future of Music on Well-Rounded Radio talking about net neutrality and more: http://www.wellroundedradio...
Officially sick of hearing about the puppies that the Obamas and Bidens are getting. Could the US news media get any lazier?
Why does Hilary get a say on who gets her seat, least of all over Caroline who has lived in NY for years vs. Hilary who just moved there?
So much for naming one of my future children Ponzi's all been sullied...


Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Brij Singh Josh Schoenwald Jason Calacanis Jake Shapiro Dan Cederholm Sooz Chris Brogan John Wall Heath Row  C.C. Chapman BostonDave Starbucks Coffee Kevin Marks    Erica OGrady Jason Herskowitz Kyle Flaherty Jeremiah Joe Wilcox Jason Shanley Paul Schreiber CNN Breaking News Chris Abraham Darth Vader Andy Rodriguez Emilio Yepez claynferno microformats Jason Chen Technorati Kevin Rose David Weekly Social Media Club Jeff Keni Pulver
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