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apparently denying you are sick for a whole week makes it worse. have to sleep upright again to not choke self on grossness.
bought twilight for cross country trashy romance novel read. fullfilled my inner teen, but dare I read the rest w/o the excuse of travel?
white roses on a snow covered grave, my family huddled together clinging to the warmth of Grammy's memory. missing her dearly.
this side of the fam is athetist. best "grace" ever from uncle: "if anyone wants to say grace, go out on the parking lot with the smokers!
also, our rental car had a complimentary windshield ice remover thingy!
woke up this morning in a Thomas kincade painter of light(tm) painting. Vermont is snowy and beautiful.
took 3 months to get - half of MRI needed- answer "take pain pills"
insurance approved - MRI, but for one hip - health system broken
warm on the outside - even warmer on inside - 6 years of lovin'
ashamed to admit - learned photoshop 2 before - layers, masks, fire, wheel
taking design class - feel inspired, learning to - break self taught habits
given vicodin - likely need hip surgery - MRI next week
my high school car crash - made me like most Floridians - hobbly on broke hips
hip pain at new heights - doctor next week, hope answer - isn't amputate
bright mystery Peeps(tm) - show up on my desk daily - no culprit 'fessed up
hit the snooze 4 times - trying to convince myself -I don't have the plague
laying in boy's lap - in vegas, delayed flight home- lost 5 bucks on slots
living under rock - just heard about sweeny todd - lost 20 street cred
loved my new lotion - until boy pointed out that - it smells like playdoh
riding the train south - thankful for most everything - happy thanksgiving!


oof william Jared Benson lorelei Alex Rosenberg Steve Simitzis James Home Joe Pemberton Zara Evens Matt Haughey Jeremy Bornstein Rusty Hodge Fixer John Adams jenifer david Aimee Cardwell Dan Ancona elly jonez Kevin Kelly Brian Moseley dahlia Tristan Horn d@n s. Jeff Lester Lamont Lucas Quincy Punchcut olivia Olives Gareth moses Lucie Moses kathleenw lilamp brentronics