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today on toonlet: trim the hedges, but the leave the bangs long and swept to the side:
today on toonlet: Chuck Norris doesn't read comics, he stares 'em down 'til they give up the info
just turned on the heat in my apartment for the first time this year. Warmth!
today on toonlet: @camikaos' dad brings the hurt to Dubya:
@JoshKemble - and the art was great, too!
today on toonlet: "Are you ready to rock!?!":
@saint_heather it's for a nudity-themed calendar toonlet's doing for charity. I'll ask if it's okay to show around the finished product.
@saint_heather that's good to know. I hope he's also okay with his body being used as a study, and then fattened up considerably.
Today on toonlet: Dollies and sexual politics
David Hasselhoff would be so angry with me right now, if he knew what I was doing.
@oregon_tony Use it however you like. If you can, credit us. If you can't, no biggie. It you can, show it to us. If you can't, no biggie.
As usual Paul Graham sums up toonlet's business philosophy best:
@Starstew I actually switched to Stanza at your recommendation. The desktop app is a real game changer. You can make anything a book!
I'm about to do a websearch for naked photos of Burt Reynolds and David Hasselhoff. It's for charity. Swearsies.
@cloister - You're absolutely right for toonlet. But traditional comic books don't translate well. To wit: the ComicZeal app for the iPhone.
Been using the iPhone more and more as an ereader. The iPhone makes a great book! Wish I could say the same for comics-books.
Have a cool drink of water, courtesy of the CIA (and toonlet):
@oregon_tony - if you're asking whether or not it's okay to use your work freely outside the site, than yes, it is. Is that your question?
@oregon_tony - eventually we'll add character-sharing, and we are working towards auto-mood generation, and better random chararacters now.
@captaincursor - No, I try to make sure everyone I follow-back is a person. I also follow a lot of twitter 'celebs' who don't follow back.


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