Prashant Agarwal’s Favorites

James Whatley
Whatleydude Qotd from @matthomann after @anniemole said 'My friend's flight was so delayed, she missed a funeral...' Matt: 'Dude, they're still dead..'
Dave McClure
davemc500hats too much email? want to stop checking all the time? just discovered by @technotheory (Jared Goralnick) cool shit.
darren wilson
gypsywilson Jesus. Nick Drake is being used on a Vicks Vapour advert. Is nothing fucking sacred?
pvesterbacka getting seriously concerned with these Americans that think Obama will fix all worlds probs. He will open Facebook. Sure. Right. #leweb
Dave McClure
davemc500hats "We (VCs) are like the entrepreneur's older brother -- we help them, support them, but we kick their ass when needed." @JeffClavier #LeWeb
Prashant Agarwal
prash @Alfie hype and mobile are like software and hardware. The former always outpaces the latter.
Ryan Carson
ryancarson Really interesting: Context-aware computing for Mac OS X
James Pearce
JamesPearce Is it bad protocol to give "Mobile Internet For Dummies" as my Secret Santa gift? #company_xmas_dinner
Matthew Lock
matthewlock Ange is trying to discourage me from buying new sneakers by saying "Jesus from the Big Lebowski would wear them". Like that's gonna work!
Mike Butcher
mbites My head. Someone spiked my beer with beer. Bastards.
Prashant Agarwal
Dan Miller
danmiller3 Ava stood out amongst her baby peers in her Red Sox outfit.
David Cancel
dcancel @prash Sorry mate but you've been a geek.... Welcome aboard
Scott Hussein Rafer
rafer Dark days are upon us when I agree with Pat Buchanan on Middle East policy.
Evan Williams
ev Wow, Hahlo with built-in Summize is nice: See a tweet referencing #D, click to see what others are saying about D. (From my iPod, no less!)
Whitney McNamara
whitneymcn As a teenager I couldn't stand Bruce Springsteen until the day that I realized that he was punk rock.
popurls More (Really) Stunning Desktop Wallpapers | Graphics | Smashing Magazine


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Noah Richard Ault Holger Dave McClure Thad White Oren Michels Nabeel Hyatt JohnBorthwick Sutha Kamal Scott Hussein Rafer Mike Rowehl Jyri Engeström Andrew Parker Ian Forrester Dennis Yang Victor Szilagyi David Stone ian kennedy Steve Marshall David Cancel Brian Fling nick richards Alexandra Sonsino Mike Butcher Ryan Carson Roberto Bonanzinga James Pearce Tom Hume Ewan Spence Martina Schell technokitten Yahnyinlondon Brad Wright
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