Dan Grover’s Favorites

hotdogsladies Bumper stickers are funnier if you imagine their owner drunk, sobbing, and repeatedly reading them aloud to an apartment full of cats.
hotdogsladies Confession: When a young guy's avatar is a photo of him grinning next to a cute girl, part of me wonders if she's the only lady he knows.
hotdogsladies Sometimes you click on the phrase, "Lifestyle Socks," and your browser crashes, and you accept that the universe just held an intervention.
hotdogsladies 1. Buy abandoned mall; 2. Cover in fake rock; 3. Open Dippin' Dots®; 4. Install 40 "Coming Soon" signs; 5. Enjoy your personal SF Zoo.
beep Only way they could’ve undercut that speech more was if they’d had Will Ferrell singing “Miss America,” Goulet-style. You stay classy, DNC....
beep Whoever picked “Isn’t She Lovely” as the song to close out Michelle Obama’s speech needs to be shot in the face.
hotdogsladies Coming on limited DVD, _Disney® Presents Little Mermaid® 7: Ariel's Franchise Swims to Paris with Hannah Montana! Or Whatever!™_
hotdogsladies Whenever I italicize Futura, I feel like I'm doing something to sheep that would make type people mad. Not stealing, exactly, but something.
why the lucky stiff
_why when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
hotdogsladies Apparently, you should pretend to like anyone who pretends to like you. This is called "networking," and it's why the web smells like feet.
hotdogsladies "Next 'On the Media:' Bob kicks his slippers at the web for 10 minutes. Because he's definitely not terrified of it. Edited. By. Brook."
beep Ethan: “I’m looking for information on shoes.” Cuil: “HERE IS A BOOK ON PANCAKES” Ethan: “Okay…thanks, I suppose. But I w—” Cuil: “PANCAKES”...
Steven Frank
stevenf Folks, just to let you know, I am preparing the InstallShield wizard which will guide you through the program setup process.
hotdogsladies Kimberly-Clark's mission boils down to discovering any personal anxiety that will eventually make you throw some paper away.
hotdogsladies Yes, iDisk, but HOW COME "Last sync failed?" Rickets? Gout? Malaise? Intolerance? Global warming? Slam poetry? T'Pau? Chafing? Loopt? WHY?!?
hotdogsladies Creative work, summarized: In the time you set aside each day to work your ass off, ignore anything that makes you consider stopping.
Steven Frank
stevenf New iPhone app idea: "iLaunch". When you tap the icon, it launches.
Andy Matuschak
andy_matuschak I sometimes make up stories about the lives of some product inventors. "Klassy Kar" inventor: three shots of vodka every morning.
hotdogsladies Ellie's favorite song right now is Pixies' "Bone Machine." Which I sing really loud and in the style of Ethel Merman. Which *kills*.
Kathy Sierra
KathySierra Companies looking for employees: don't hire a work-friendly brain...create brain-friendly work.


Mike Champion Buzz Andersen Rod Begbie Jonathan Wight Brian Del Vecchio brad Patrick Haney Mark Bao Beep. David Pitkin John Gruber David Lanham Dan Lurie Jon Pierce Drew Hamlin cboone Fraser Speirs Will Koffel Steve Streza rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Johannes luke0x Gus Mueller MacSB Eric D. Fields Steven Frank Mike Zornek Dustin MacDonald hotdogsladies John Resig Chris Hanson Steve Garfield Todd Ditchendorf matt knox Chris Lambert
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