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Off to a busy day in the office
Haircut in VA Square
Safe KiDS holiday party. Great group of people
Train to Wash DC! Safe KIDS holiday party!
At surgeon with Lauren!
Picking up Lauren from BU!
Viet Nam was an incredible experience.
Fixing the shower
Plane to Tokyo
Conference call with Member Countries tonite
Jersey Boy sees Jersey Boys. Becks and Posh in the house!
Breakfast meeting and then travelling with the B to NJ for TGiving!
Heading back to NJ for Thanksgiving. Can't wait to see the girls
Reading Tribes by Seth Godin!
Safe Kids meeting with Chair later today
Rutgers football overy Army


Xeni Jardin Jason Calacanis Busy Mom Kristen Rebecca Bollwitt Joe Biden mack pettigrew Lynn Little Mom Elizabeth Jess Bowers Chris Dodd Jill Asher Lucretia M. Pruitt Donna Schwartz Mills WorkSafeBC Senator Chris Dodd Dawn Matt Kelly AirCongress Jim Inhofe Mark Warner wojdotcomdotau safety_dan Frank Watson Mark Udall Scan Sacramento Ok Rep Senate Firebrand_Grrl Jim Lin a2snooze Ray's Mom Patricia Elizabeth AnnArborNews Franklin Police DC Public Safety
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