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Looks like you're all telling me to go BOLD. I'm thinking of hiring @benja as my personal shopper, he's so funny
NYT article ripping up the Storm (hope this link works)
Oooh BB Storm gets rained on by NYT: (link via @benja) @AlanWebber and @rwang0 (both colleagues) have BOLD, hmmm
my IT department supports Blackberry, but not iPhone. I need outlook as I have so many meetings each day (up to 10 a day)
Anyone have the BB storm? Can you type quickly on it? That's a requirement for me, I've got a twitter addiction --must punch quickly.
I'm thinking bout going "all corporate" and getting a blackberry. I have ATT. Any suggestions? Storm not available for ATT?
Both Facebook AND Google announce their ability to connect sites with their social graphs
Dec 12th is "Spouse Day", for all your Twitterholics who neglected your loved ones
Just used Facebook connect to leave a comment on --and it showed up on my Facebook newstream
Heh, you guys gotta lighten up. It's a 'prank' call, try it. the voices in my head told me to. they are blue...and small in 140 char
@jdale no they didn't help, I'm worse! ;)
I just called the Psychiatric Hotline (603) 413-4133
@wemeanclean (Bissell) I'm looking at product the vids on your site should be embeddable and on youtube. Where are the customer reviews?
Bissel has been listening, and followed my info about confirming identity follow them at @wemeanclean read update
@twalk from Hoovers Biz shows us the nuances between brandjacking, white had brandhacking and blackhat brandhacking
57 People have signed up for next Thursday's TWEETUP in Silicon Valley #svtweetup
Razorfish's @sszd publishes "What if Facebook Connected with Amazon" a must read
I got email from Facebook today that could be malicious, others are reporting too twitter= canary in coal mine?
If you see a brand on twitter, REQUIRE them to confirm their identity before you engage with them. Trust me, I fell for it myself ;)
Don’t get BrandJacked: Confirming Your Corporate Twitter Account (Follow these steps)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Adam Rugel Evan Williams Alissa Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Lars Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen Chris Baum Jerry Michalski Noah Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Robb M. Colin Schlüter Wayne Sutton Ross Manton Reece Mack D. Male Nitin om tedr Gavin Narendra Dave McClure Ken Keith Kamisugi Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch
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