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@gamesdotcom The AP report was covering Obama's Saturday YouTube talk.
Chili's: Sani-wrapped straw...that can only be opened with your teeth
AP report on Obama's spending plan completely skips the deployment of broadband nationwide, focuses on hwys and bridges.
Off to LeWeb! Only for a day, tho. and once again I forgot to learn conversational French. Darn!
What the world needs: Disposable scarves...only because that's pretty much how they are to me already :( Dispense 'em like paper towels.
@BrianReich, stand up, yell "TWEEEET!" and see who responds. Then prepare to leave before the cops come.
Found free wifi at Amtrak's South Station in Boston. A space with free wifi is like a room with no smoking. The air is suddenly so fresh.
My blog's down so bad you don't even get a 404 sign. I feel so rude! I wish there were a way to hang up an "I still love you" sign.
http://www.downforeveryoneo... tells you if a site is down for everyone or just you. Thanks for the tip, @michaelocc !
@acarvin, for an inauguration tag, how about #in-awe-gee08!" :)
rt @fredthompson. Fred confuses an economy with a bank account and proposes we solve our problems with sarcasm.
Research paper finds that simply giving out laptops to kids INCREASES the education gap.
Charlie Nesson of the Berkman Center and Joel Tennenbaum podcast about their anti-RIAA suit. Very interesting.
All single-player games should have cheat codes. Why should the fact that I suck mean I can't enjoy a game?
We've started calling left-over pizza "repizza."
Harold Feld explains how the FCC transition works. Yikes it's complex! E.g., who reps us to our ant overlords?
My niece tested my short term memory last night for a class project. Did I mention that my niece tested my short term memory last night?
@fethichebil - biology definitely influences how we classify. But there is a lot of variation in our categories. Classification is a tool.
Posted a reply to D-Lib article on folksonomies , but still not sure I'm being fair:
Pizza with extended family. Kids sit around afterwards browsing the Web on an iPhone, laughing. Return of folk culture, albeit mass. Lovely.


Evan Williams danah boyd Mary Hodder Ken peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Adam Hertz Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Jake Shapiro Brian Del Vecchio Susan Scrupski wyclif Jyri Engeström David Parmet Chuck Olsen Beth Kanter Elisa Camahort Heath Row Michael O'CC Emily Chang Jack Hodgson thomas marban Tantek Çelik debs Tom Coates  Chris Heuer Bradley Horowitz Euan Semple Jon Husband
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