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setting up zone files, creating mx records, and such.
@garrettmurray I feel your pain my friend, been dealing with internet problems all week here as well.
calling internet tech support makes me want to smash my head against the wall...
@mike9r I think that's because of how the movie was shot. Partly on HD cameras and partly on IMAX.
@ChrisLaBossiere sounds like it's time to invest in a Macbook Pro that will last you more than a year.
fucking CableTech. Doing maintenance on cable lines in my area, killing my upstream.
basecamp message from a cranky client is not a good way to start the day...need more coffee.
that's it for me today. Time to start thinking about some dinner and maybe watching a flick tonite-thinking Dark Knight.
Had a bit too much fun partying with some old hockey buddies last night. Ugh. Head is 2 sizes too big this morning.
Hemsky wins it in the shootout for the Oilers!
Oilers tie it at 4! Goal by Penner after some amazing work by Hemsky.
is watching the Oilers game with the dog. Looking forward to some sweet box seats at the oil Kings game tomorrow night.
well internet is back up in time for me to at least check my code in. That's a bit of a bonus, I guess...
@adampatterson yeah, you gotta wonder about some of their service guys...
thanks for the downtime today Shaw. Really appreciate it. Especially considering I have to leave early today for hockey. Gah!
Internet/phone/cable down. Shaw repairman sitting on ground next to service, looking confused. That can't be good.
@luxuryluke @feather apparently "breaks" iPhone syncing though.
@feather just on Monday I think. Hasn't been there that long.


veen Mack D. Male Mr Messina John Nunemaker Dan Cederholm Josh Bryant Lisa McMillan Melyssa L. Dan Benjamin Justine Mike Rundle Keith Kitta Jeremy Keith Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Colin Devroe Aaron Gustafson Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Ben Ward Karen O'Brien Timbo Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell Stuart pixeldiva Steve Marshall Doug March Dave Verwer Neil Ford Josh Williams
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