Grant Shellen’s Favorites

hotdogsladies @johnroderick Weird. I have a radio that can't play any Chicago song released after Nixon resigned.
hotdogsladies It's pretty hard to get out of jury duty unless you're comfortable dressing up as a confederate general who happens to be in blackface.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW @shortyawards I nominate @guykawasaki in the #funnybusiness category because @capnsmackers SHOULDN'T BE ALONE IN THERE! He needs walking.
hotdogsladies "Humor" is what strangers find funny. "Comedy" is what your friends find funny. "Twitter" is what your family finds, and says, "You okay?"
two name jenkins
twoname Wanna know why I have this big ol beard? Protection. Ever heard of anybody dying from getting shot in the beard?
madebymoxie Did EVERYONE wake up to a spouse's "Test of the Emergency Diff'rent Strokes Theme Song?"
Chris Sacca
sacca Dear Europeans: As long as you acquiesce to shower heads on limp hoses, you will never truly be free.
Erika Hall
mulegirl I have so many eMusic credits left, considering downloading Hot Club Dance Hitz Remixed: Vol 7
Adam Lisagor
lonelysandwich @johnroderick, you are new here, but have much to learn of our little community. In Twitter talk, it's ⌘hodgman and [HeyYou!]Merlin Mann.
Tim Siedell
badbanana Batman is going to be killed off in the next issue. Way to end strong, Bush administration.
SeoulBrother Plaxo is the cat sweater lady in accounting that remembers *everyone's* birthday. Not enough for a restraining order but still creepy.
SeoulBrother Plaxo Pulse wants you to know that there's no good reason for Plaxo Pulse.
Jesse Thorn
youngamerican If you are not goofing around, then you are doing it wrong. (By "it" I mean "life".)
John Moltz
Moltz Now that Shaq has ruined Twitter, I'm on to the next big social medium: calling peoples voice mail and singing '70s theme songs. DM me ur #!
Jesse Thorn
youngamerican Not saying something is the new something is the new saying something is the new something.
hotdogsladies I'm pretty much your normal, libidinous American male. Except for how I get giant boners from listening to mid-tempo Rickenbacker arpeggios.
joshacagan I just want this to be over so I can start speculating about Coachella '09.
Jesse Thorn
youngamerican Voting trouble: spent two hours trying to find Kerry's name on ballot. Eventually gave up and voted for Bush. Even that was misspelled.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW So who among you can get me Hasselbeck's phone number? I feel like we should call tonight.
Jordan_Morris Halloween has gotten too commercial. Let's take a moment to remember the reason for the season: celebrating the birth of Dracula


Biz Stone Adam Rugel Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Chris Sacca Clint G Mike Brandt Nick Douglas Erika Hall President Monteiro Chris Nyffeler Sarah Hatter Jen Bradburn kimbalina Ryan Freitas hunterwalk jish Macworld Darth Vader Joshua Green Allen Amy Jane Gruber Twitterrific Cork'd Fake Henry Rollins hotdogsladies Jon Deal Twitter Justin Haugh Jennifer Robbins Scott Simpson
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