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This Things video shows the reprap shot glass making robot as it makes shot glasses! Cheers! Don't miss this one!
With the demise of pounce, folks are telling me to use soup. I am already obsessed with soup! Join up and frind me at
Currently experiencing geek nirvana at
I am watching two (2!) repraps make a cup and a 12 sided d&d die simultaneously. Marius and Wizard got the reprap we made last year working!
Checking out "Art of Illusion"
Thanks! I can now google in the English tongue. To the right of the search box: Einstellungen, then choose Englische from the drop down box.
So, how do I make google realize that I don't speak German despite being in a German country?
Having coffee at phil... I love it when my saved cafe wifi passwords from a year ago still work.
Feed your daily Things video habit with this video about Zach Smith's Peristaltic Pump that he made.
Here's a blogpost with an update on History Hacker and other things going on in my life.
@mmelnick I'm in Vienna now, ping me in the new year when I'm back in nyc!
Posted my video a few hours ago and took a nap. Now I present to you @phooky 's business cards with working gears in them!
@metafridge I look forward to climbing into you and drinking mate soon! At monochrom dealing with email at the moment!
Ever wonder what the monochrom office looks like?
"Killing Capitalism with Kristmas" It's a sing-a-long, everybody together now!
Arrived in Vienna and greeted by friends at airport with club mate and an LED tree/antler helmet that would get you shot in Boston. WIN
Passport, toothbrush, cameras, computer, 3g phone, nycr & things shirts, ham radio, robots. Check. Travelling initiated!
Hanging out with @tferriss - Definately worth a follow if you're into hacking your lifestyle.
@ctpctp by bracket things you mean hot glue right?


seanbonner Scott Beale brady forrest Justine Daniel Newman Alex Hillman Chris Brogan drew olanoff Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf Veronica Belmont Jim Long Zadi Diaz Amit superamit Gupta Susan Beth MJ Tantek Çelik Shawn Connally Lee LeFever  C.C. Chapman tagami Mickipedia Eddie Codel kris krug bek Schlomo Rabinowitz Kent Joe Eastham ✓ vrogy David Crystal Williams Silona Liz Danzico Bill Streeter
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