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37 Signals moves Ta-Da List to Rails 2.2, Passenger, and EC2: . #aws FTW!
Paying American Express bill a bit ahead of time since I'll be in China when it is due.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Last few things in the office before heading out. Leaving for Beijing on Monday so need to close out all kinds of stuff.
Riding the 545 bus -- Seattle to Redmond.
Walking to the bus stop. A quick 35 minutes of fresh air, plenty of podcasts queued up.
Renewing dog's licensing. Didn't even know she could drive :-)
@marcbarros - have a good holiday if you are checking out. Do we get "Extreme Turkey Carviing" Video on vholdr?
It is the wrong time to ask this question, but what's the name of *the* IT show in the DC area, this spring? Fed-something?
1 week from now, at this time, I will be arriving in Beijing. Look out, China, here comes Jeff and Carmen!
@bradhintze - Mmmmm, cheesecake
Mathematica on Amazon EC2: . Go #aws
House next door for sale, talked to the guy looking at it. Tell him I work at Amazon, he says "S3 is so cool, I uploaded 90 GB to it!" #aws
Getting ready for a long walk with a good friend.
New and cool: Large public data sets hosted on #aws: .
Preparing second #aws presentation for China. This one's easier since I'm just updating a current one.
@mtrends - you could use #aws -powered to move your health data around.
Tired. Up at 4:45, full day interviewing #aws Start-Up finalists,award ceremony, waiting for daughter #2 to return from midnight movie.
Teaching son Stephen about Emacs macros.
Registering for an account at (Solder By Numbers). Whoops, supposed to be blogging.


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Jonathan Markwell Colin Schlüter Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Paul Terry Walhus adam Coty Rosenblath Scott Beale Buster McLeod Johan Denoyer Luciano E. Guerche Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson Josh Bancroft palmsolo Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. joshua schachter James Andrews Benjamin Ian Sefferman Robert Brook randy stewart jon sofield brady forrest Chaitanya Sagar
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