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@shiva @shiva there don't seem to be high standards in the pol leadership and the orgnzn of security apparatus - much "critical-ness" ne ......
NDTV reporters on ground in Mumbai asked very tough questions of pols and called them on BS and non-answers. We cud use some of that in US
@Mickipedia it's probably the huge feeling of relief you GET from it ;-)
Young girls show Mumbai is unbreakable
Fareed Zakaria's family's apt in Mumbai is right next to Oberoi hotel -commandos used the appt - his sister is saving bullets as mementos
.. both Hindu fanatics and Muslim fanatics
.... many of India's Bollywood stars - Muslims who love India - India is truly a multi-ethnic multi-faith democracy - and fanatics hate that
.... propaganda re Muslims being mistreated in India needs to be weighed against that. In India poor people are mistreated not just Muslim
FYI, One of India's greatest Presidents Abdul Kalam a Muslim, was head of India's rocket pgm, Head of Mumbai police force, a Muslim .....
India's Minister responsible for security resigns - "accountability" an old idea always ever new ;-)
@biz luggage is too personal and also has vanity associated with it. Rented generic luggage maybe when Gattaca is reality
Israeli commandos to help India in Kashmir? see end of article
Mgr of Taj in Mumbai (lost his wife and kids in fire) says "... we are going to beat this. .... We will not let this event take us down.'"
Captured Mumbai terrorist interrogated reveals plot
Captured Mumbai terrorist interrogated -
re: Chabad House - fund has been set up for kids of slain Rabbi and wife - Pl. donate and retweet #mumbai
@tempo I would also add "The only important obstacles to world peace are the obsolete beliefs that darken the minds of men." re Mumbai
some dramatic photos of Mumbai events
@gwachob your theory is not unfounded - it was timed to affect the elections and get rt.wing govt in power to do what you said and lot more
#mumbai @Netra are Rabii and wife safe ? we have heard conflicting reports


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