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@heddahfeddah i've just been slow - was stressed out with the move decision, spent a lot of time staring at computer instead of coding. nite
@heddahfeddah maybe early next year or spring - have a demo app for someone I need to finish, then the other app I was working on before.
@heddahfeddah PS. that meta-debate point is what I was trying to think through with voterslikeme
@heddahfeddah think we all got busy at roughly the same time. ;-) no further discussion happened, period on the issue.
@heddahfeddah the anger is my frustration... no comparative data, and questions about which towns to compare to. see
@heddahfeddah the bottom line is that there is a group of vocal residents who think the teachers have cushy, overpaid jobs
@heddahfeddah property taxes in WH are high, the school budget is the biggest single item, and salaries are the biggest item in that budget
@heddahfeddah I can't fairly explain their snark. My take is that's it's talk radio fueled victimhood syndrome - "they're out to take my $"
@heddahfeddah am I explaining my snark, or their's?
@gideonstrumpet sigh... wouldn't assume, not would
@gideonstrumpet and I would assume the restaurants are doing that well, at least not by my neck of the woods on Park Ave.
@gideonstrumpet the blogs in town mostly b**ch about property taxes and the teachers union. e.g. or
@astridiana you hartfordites really take your city blogging seriously. No WH blog can hold a candle to you
@juliedixon I may just join you, if for nothing else just to see what assclowns you all make. :)
@gideonstrumpet Glad I finally understand your twitter name and profile image
New blog post: Coolspotters wins Mashable Blogger's Choice Open Web award
New blog post: Kids with obesity-linked gene pick fattening foods -
@juliedixon i'm afraid to ask. What are assclown puppets ? :-) - notice anything interesting?
Hey, coolspotters won a Mashable Blogger's Choice Open Web Award! - still time to vote for ppls choice


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