kareem’s Favorites

Brian Johnson
_Brian_Johnson (mktg God) Guy Kawasaki: "If you have revolutionary potential, then you have a moral imperative to make the world a better place."
kirkster1970 "Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways."
Sujal Shah
sujal I'm speechless and nearly in tears. It's not just about African Americans, but all of us.
prince campbell
chartreuseb talking to my parents bought tears to my eyes. Thank You America, they are amazed and proud and happy. So am I.
jhstrauss From: My Dad; Subject: Mazeltov; Congratulations to you and your generation for having given our country a new reason to have hope.
umairh change the world?!! yes we did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Venture Hacks
venturehacks "If they’re talking to you, you have leverage." - The Black Swan Group,
eric stephens
ericds Slowly but surely learning to program a bit in ruby/rails, feels like I'm developing super powers
Venture Hacks
venturehacks "I believe that the biggest advantage a startup has over a big competitor is intellectual honesty." - Speiser,
Venture Hacks
venturehacks "How often do you hear business people poke holes in their own arguments the way engineers do?" - Mike Speiser,
Venture Hacks
venturehacks Startups are tools for investors and founders to get rich. Caveat employees.
kul Buffett (2003): Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal.
kareem Just got a face full of grilled whitefish. Garlicky. Thanks matt, enjoy your face full of red wine!
why the lucky stiff
_why when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
Gabe Rivera
gaberivera Bono is scolding Robert Scoble for cutting back on blogging. Scoble asks Bono what he's really accomplished since "The Joshua Tree". Wow.
Venture Hacks
venturehacks "[Passion] is the sense of connection you feel when the work you do expresses who you are." – Randy Komisar,
Amit superamit Gupta
superamit Really grateful to my mom for teaching me that it's okay for adults to be playful, have fun, and be childlike. It's a lesson that shaped me.
nivi “Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else." – Sir James Barrie
nivi "Hell, there are no rules here—we're trying to accomplish something." – Thomas Edison
Venture Hacks
venturehacks "Focus on executing your idea so you can make it public instead of focusing on how to keep it private." - Venture Hacks, http://tinyurl. ......


Evan Williams Noah danah boyd derek dukes Dave McClure michael lambie Kulveer Scott Hurff Hiten Shah Aaron LaBerge Sutha Kamal Caterina Alexander Kjerulf Amit superamit Gupta Harjeet cody simms Bradley Horowitz J-Strizzle noah kagan ian c rogers Mike Davidson Devin Reams Nivi John B. Roberts Sujal Shah Josh Owens Charlie O'Donnell Lucas Gonze Lex Friedman Sahadeva Hammari Gabe Rivera AdamD Andrew Warner jonathan ehrlich Mark Dowds Dagny Prieto