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@JonHenke So, I'll bite. Why do you hate Drupal? :)
@nilesbrooks Got ec2: works fine. My complaint on (gs)? Forums are stuffed with complaints on outages, service is SOO basic, 10 hr support
@TheLetterM ROFL. Best comeback e-v-e-r. :)
@Veronica Seconded. It's freekin' creepy. Ad agency fail.
I found the ultimate example of users not revenue in Web 2.0: Going to be INSANE when the monetize. Man, HUGE. :)
I've been playing with mediatemple (gs), just to see what the fuss was about. Man, I'm underwhelmed. Cancelled the account.
@jwhatcott Jeez man, good luck. I really hope everything is ok!
@catorghans How do you see that it undermines M$? I think it's clearly an embrace and replace strategy, due to dev mindshare going osource.
@troyangrignon I haven't been able to find this. I've been looking for it too!
Microsoft knocks off open source: Damn: ook at that! It's Google code / Sourceforge + blatant wp/drupal rip!!
@dakami That is perhaps the most amazing camera system I've ever seen. GAME CHANGER ALERT!!! READ THIS LINK FILM
@cairnsim BTW, I absolutely love your DC bike site. Want to do the same for Sacramento
My 3 year old and my wife are running screaming with glee through the house behind me. It's a joy to be alive. Hope you're all holding up!
Twitter doesn't create much wisdom. It makes a lot of noise, but it doesn't create anything material or lasting. Exceptions?
@okwichu That's exactly my thought. Besides, you should be able to build a proxy-filter between drupal and the web svc to solve any problem
Interesting adventures looking into bi-directional publishing with Drupal and Google docs:
Cloud computing is starting polyculture. You can now connect AND Facebook AND Google AND Amazon together. Biodiversity +++!
@cdharrison Maybe. But I imagine that we're going to see a lot more "services" using twitter - things like gov'ts, agencies, etc
Prediction: twitter or twitter-like-services will start to replace direct marketing (especially mailing lists) for companies (dm is obvious)


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