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No matter how good the advice is, a long list of it becomes boring very very fast.
Likes waking up and reading the trials, tribulations and cleverness of his twitter friends while still in bed.
A week of cat sitting for one warm apartment and Revolver on a great stereo. Deal.
Once Halloween is over, Winter, like some capable tax collector, sets in, concisely and silently. - Murakami.
So stuffed. Thanksgiving #1 under my belt. At this rate the actual thanksging dinner will be a salad with no dressing.
If you're looking to test your patience head to Pathmart and watch the 50 people in line in front of you fail at the automated checkout.
@dannyw wind up bird chronicles again. Great stuff. Got the running book on reserve at the library.
Sorry murakami, pizza drinks and dancing have forced me to abandon you for the night!
Feeling like the best thing to do would be to read Murakami for the rest of the night.
Listening to fresh cranberries pop on the stove. It's like food and lava and chemistry all in one battered old aluminum pot.
Stormed the stage briefly. So happy.
Bellhouse election party in bk is rockin. Way to go chrisanthy / Brooklyn based!
Holy smokes this Obama calling center in park slope (at beautiful hotel) is awesome/organized/motivating. Come over!!!
@coreyweb thanks for the shoutout!!! : D
Waking up to matathon crowds in front of my place. Hooray!
Having some Italian beer. Taste like spicy soda.
@themexican haha, your parents didn't institute a "parents tax?" Up to 20% in my family!!!
Ben Zander says that in any adverse situation in life, we have three choices: to be resigned, to be angry, or to see possibility.
@jamiew Really enjoyed your latest Rocketboom. Maybe I'll be "fail" for Halloween.
@jackcheng great to meet you today! Hope you can make it to the office and hang more soon.


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