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“The more you reward people for doing something, the more they lose interest in whatever they had to do to get the reward.” - Alfie Kohn
Want to find meaning in your job? Ask yourself this: Who am I helping? Who's life is happier because of me?
Fascinating new study confirms that happiness is highly contagious. More here:
My book (Happy Hour is 9 to 5) is coming out in Chinese in January. Woooooo-Hoooooooo!!! more here:
Do something nice for a rookie today: Ask one of your newest co-workers how he/she is doing. More here:
Today's exercise: Complain about something that's been bugging you at work. But do it constructively. More here:
How boring is your standard email signature? Make a happy one today! More here:
Go ask a co-worker what his or her favorite movie is. Mine is The Matrix. Or The Killing Fields. Or Love Actually. Or...
Are you the same person at work as you are at home? If not, what's the difference? Which you is happier? Which you do you like the most?
At the Top Dog Live conference in London today. It rocks!
Rachel Mooney of Google: "when you give people rules and regulations they stop thinking."
Just before you leave work, make a list of 5 things that made you happy at work today. Big or small, doesn't matter – but find at least 5.
It's Friday! Here's where I'd go for a quick Friday beer:
Got any chronic complainers around the office? Here's a way to handle them:
“Immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous” - Bertrand Russell. Found here:
“I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” - Douglas Adams
Today's happy exercise: Ask at least 3 co-workers about their week-end. Take a little time to chat about it.
Call your own phone number and listen to your voice mail greeting. Do you sound happy? If not, record a message where you do!
“What work I have done I have done because it has been play. If it had been work I shouldn’t have done it.” - Mark Twain
I defy you to read this story and not shed a tear: . Only happy employees do this kind of thing.


Jacob Bøtter Tom Nixon workhappynow Traci Fenton