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Stuff like this will make people choose privacy over openness.
Went to OTBC lunch event. Had good post-chat about sharing ideas and finding biz partners.
Smooth jazz version of Cyndi Lauper's Time After Time playing at Concordia Coffee House. Earlier there was a Here Comes the Sun cover.
@civrot @pdxwerewolf You mean Portland Werewolf is this week (Wednesday), not weekend.
@jcroft I did the same thing, but with tea. Didn't occur to me until just now why I'm wired. Getting a lot done, at least?
Walking briskly down Alberta. Chilly out. Loving it.
The Duchess viewed. Boyfriend points earned.
When I start a sentence with "iPhone" I have to write it "IPhone" and that makes dogs howl and babies cry.
@themcneills I like that. No such thing as a "diluted brand." You're either a true brand or a focus-less company searching for a brand.
@themcneills Companies as brands, sort of like Google has many products it markets under the Google brand?
@gwalter I think Google Spreadsheet only starts with 100 rows, but you can insert more.
Just drove a manual transmission for first time in awhile. Someone should take my license.
Yes, it's getting dark early, but love the last bit of a winter day's light. Only lasts 10 mins. Beautiful.
@built Criticism is an important part of a strong community. Provide it privately if you're worried about public perception.
@PeteForsyth It's just your avatar's hat that reminds me of Drudge. Meant as a compliment. You look investigative!
@jabancroft Two passes is exactly how I'd have done Amazon Remembers, esp at launch. I can imagine photos of cats to kick the tires.
@kissane Harvest is a web-based time tracker, but has a OS X widget that makes it super easy:
Shocking! The New York Times has an article on online advertising -- no mention of Google until the "Ads by Google" box
@mattgillooly I'm all for some cross pollination of community ideas between Portland and Providence. We can be sister tech cities!


kareem Josh Bancroft Michael Buffington Victor evany John C Abell Bill Burcham Benjamin Jacobsen Jacob Reiff Andy Baio noah kagan Jeff Croft Tom Watson Scott Kveton smadden Audrey jvollmer Raymond Brigleb Reid Beels Don Park jessica* Matt Beck Josh Pyles Chris Brentano Matt Gillooly Kevin Tate Ben Strackany Betsy Richter Jason Glaspey Akshay Dodeja Jason Mauer JBJ Scott Carver Aaron Hockley Raven Zachary Tim Trautmann
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