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Blackout on my block
Inbox: Our purpose is to promote and encourage rollerskating, and to cultivate a spirit of harmony and fraternal feeling among skaters.
LMNOP eats entire unattended ribeye
Diamonds, clubs.
Loogie manufactory.
I can't remember a time I wasn't sick with this miserable flu/fever thing.
O positive people like steak. Rare. Blue, even.
This is my most commented upon haircut in years.
Dream: met a man in the dark and never saw his face. Later went to a counter to buy some food, but there was no one to take my money.
It never occurred to me that fake fur short-shorts or PVC microminis were a sartorial option until I moved to San Francisco.
Third day of sexy hoarse sore-throat voice. I need some film noir movie lines to recite, thinking Barbara Stanwyck style.
O rain in the dark.
Palin speaks and forms a circle. Biden speaks and forms a sphere.
Inside of a panda, it's too dark to read.
Completing to-do items is even more satisfying.
Making to-do lists is incredibly satisfying.
Heather Champ is and will always be my hero.
Market-watchers, remember: bad things happen fast, and good things happen slow. One sees one's companion as a pig covered with dirt As a wagon full of devils. Change: