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@kaeru so your next Tweet will be something like: "at the airport, in line for customs"?
@docbaty Ford Fairlane!? "I'm so terrific I have my own toll-free number: 1-800-UNBELIEVABLE! Ooooh!"
@nathanacurtis I wouldn't consider a 3 meter walk long, but every man has his challenge ;-) Enjoy!
@alper re: overheid2.0. This set is as disappointing, I guess:
(oh, Windows was upgrading today, maybe that affected the latest near-freeze...)
anyone else experiencing firefox near-freezes when accessing recently?
@jeroenbennink congrats! :-) we also expect hourly update on your battery status
@bogiezero 't zou best een mooie special-effect lens kunnen zijn, cunningly disguised als bierfles?
@kaeru cool! You guys deserve some credit!
@bogiezero is die fles een accessoire? :-)
@MoJoe earl grey seems to be in high demand here too: Saw people running with boxes from one floor to the next. Global earl grey conspiracy?
@jeroenbennink beterschap als dat toch nog nodig mocht blijken te zijn!
@ylab no UIE Web App Summit trip yet, no. I hope to fly to the States for the IA Summit. Not sure if my education budget will cover another.
@ylab *cough*I use Dopplr*cough*
@jmspool interesting move to mix the presentation days and workshop days the way you did! Oh, and yes, the presenters rock! :-)
@ronaldmannak good luck with the pitch!
@iskandr dat idee had ik wel gekregen van @jeroenbennink (en @tuurke8?)... En, ach, ze zijn al klaar :-)
writing poems for Sinterklaas ( celebrations with coworkers tomorrow. Gifts will be randomized so have to be nice?


veen Chris Baum Maggie Mason peterme Gene bryan mason Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer lane Alper Çugun Frank Joris leland Brian Clark Kevin Cheng Spif Joshua Kaufman SMITH Magazine Ben Cerveny erin Boris matti Stephen Collins leisa heyotwell molly Fredy D. Ore Jess McMullin Emanuele MoJoe Adaptive Path Niklas Wolkert Jorge Arango Kars Alfrink erwin blom David Armano
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