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@nickdonnelly you bet I will! I'm off.. you take care!
LMAO @emmahaslett's latest post on the blog - Hammertime! (@MCHammer , tribute to you from your humble fans!)
@nickdonnelly looks ace.. envy you.. I bet the food's lovely too..
@nickdonnelly 78. You've just made it worse. Big 3-0 today so celebrations definitely in order. Lots of eating and dancing.. where's kerela?
@nickdonnelly u just HAD to say something to break my balls didn't you?! I'm as young as can be. It's all in the head buddy. ALL IN THE HEAD
@SophieCox thank you sweetie :) hope to catch up v. soon! haven't seen you since our last salsa dance! x
@DavidMcQueen Neither. George Clooney all the way (or Matt Damon ;)
@magitam thanks v. much Farhan, having a fabulous day indeed! :) x
@shaawasmund awww.. I'm very emotional.. don't think I've ever had a bouquet of flowers on my birthday! you guys are the best!
@DavidMcQueen thank you sweetest!! it was LOVELY to see you today.. A great birthday present :)))
Awwwww... birthday love I feel very special =).. I <3 my team..
Wow! I received a happy birthday message from @happytwitday ! haha! you gotta love twitter!
Free tea & mince pies at my tube station. Great start to the day!
Fondue and karaoke, here we come! au revoir until then x
Sigh of relief. Just got a big piece of work out of the way. V. happy with the changes. Let's see how they actually turn out now!
I've just bought the best evil secret santa pressie ever. EVER! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Evan Williams Richard Moross Mike Butcher David Basheera Khan Lloyd Davis Jemima Kiss Paul Walsh Michael Acton Smith Loic Le Meur Bronwen Clune Peter Nielsen Ben Werdmuller The Guardian Barack Obama Michael Arrington David Langer Pete Cashmore Alberto Nardelli Andrew Eglinton Chris Osborne Sokratis nathan mcdonald Fabio De Bernardi Tim O'Reilly Andy McLoughlin Andrew Chen Nick Halstead Farhan Rehman David Cruickshank lisarodwell BNO News Hammer Zee M Kane Matteo Canzi Blanc Oliver Mardling
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