
Hey there! AppBeacon is using Twitter.

Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving AppBeacon's updates.

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AppBeacon is now tracking 11310 apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch. That's up 211 from yesterday. That's a lot of apps approved last night.
Just updated the front page of . Added the category lists to this page. Makes it easier for people to get into the site.
AppBeacon's tracking 11,099 apps now. Just a small bump of 25 from yesterday's 11,074.
Intense Debate is causing my pages to load twice. Asking support to help. May have to pull them off the site
AppBeacon is now tracking 11,074 Apps for the iPod Touch and iPhone.
@snookca : Did you know one of your tweets was featured in the Appcelerator Titanium demo app?
AppBeacon is now tracking 10,910 iPhone and iPod Touch Apps. It's amazing how fast this is growing.
@davidwalshblog I mentioned Sphider to you a few days ago. It is VERY good. Don't like the code mixed with presentation though.
Looking at site stats is so addictive. Have to stop looking. All the stat providers and apps should limit logins to once per day. GTD!!!
@YourGoToGuy I like your idea for using Twitter for bookmarks. I'm using Sphider too. It's a really good PHP search engine.
Just donated $50 to . Google site search would have cost me $500 per year!! Yahoo indexes too slowly to use BOSS.
I've got search working properly on . Now, to get the remaining pages indexed. Thanks Sphider the great PHP search engine.
W00t!! I got search working on the development server. Now to push it to production.
@davidwalshblog : David - you own Script & Style, right? Problem with this page : Getting sprintf error.
Still struggling with Sphider for AppBeacon. The HTML output for this is going to be really ugly :(
Wishing Sphider used Smarty templates. Can't stand code intermingled with presentation. So hard to customize.
@davidwalshblog That really sucks. I bet you're really looking forward to hours of re-installs of OS and software.
Working on App Search for AppBeacon. Man! Sphider really flies through indexing. Hurting my server. "She can't take anymore captain!"
@davidwalshblog I'm trying out Sphider right now. It's indexing my 10,000 plug pages of iPhone apps. Gave up on Google ($$) and BOSS (slow)
New iPhone App Count : 10,609. Yesterday it was 10,567. Up 42 in one day. At that rate, we could see 15,330 more apps in one year. Wow.


Snook Derek Chuck Smith Harald Kirschner Lauren Ryan Meader davidwalshblog Doug Sjoquist ralfrottmann applelim07