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@taulpaul thought we haven't met, I'm sending my love to your little girl.
roller skates have been sold! deciding how to spend my unplanned evening. suggestions?
@aliverson ah - then I won't tell them about the pay to play whitelisting (
how do you decide if you're going to return the follow of strangers on twitter?
@halvorson don't mind it as long as they succinctly tell me what content I'll read about once I click on the link
@aliverson thanks. i get my own homepage interview with photo!
@ms_rezai naw, just on the intranet homepage. I'm on the Wheaties box for the Champions Award I won this summer though </self promo>
is the General Mills Champion of the Week!
realtor reco, check. where to search online for houses, - HELP! too many places, and can't find one great one
not feeling so well
can you recommend a realtor to me?
ROCKED the mechanical bull - wow - what a fun ride!
MN Rollergirls TONIGHT! at Roy Wilkins - 7:30pm - mechanical bull at station 4 after party
@jth did you get a dog?
@halvorson hope you feel better soon
@spacebug hope the find out the cause and you're a-ok for derby. sending my <3's
MN Rollergirls Season Opener Tomorrow Night - come for the derby, stay for the mechanical bull!
GMI kinda recession proof, but proof of the recession is all around in the lack of holiday gifts
@sfour - wishes to you and @spacebug - hope its nothing serious


Brian Brown Celina Chuck Olsen jay Aaron taulpaul Jillian Sean Tubridy Joshua Green Allen Greg Swan Laurel Krahn Dan Bailey Adiumy kitty nip Barack Obama Ed Kohler wendy o'awesome Jennifer Bohmbach Remember The Milk Tim Brunelle Katia Holmes Jason Kleckner Chris Henslin sharyn morrow seijikat Mike Keliher d2dusk Heather Lockwood Lucas Saugen John T. Hoffoss Jonathan Ford Al I. mr. gcal Craig Boyte inktea
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