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is so happy to have giant windows today. Getting my viatmin D by basking in the sunlight.
want a Wii and Wii fit fo x-mas! Those things are awesome.
did 55 seconds on the bull!
is washing my towels for tonight. There were getting kind of stiff
come watch me play some quee on of the rink tonight at the derby! I'm gonna knock some fellas around.
collated his butt off tonight! Thanks team!
@clreps Where the hell are you? nobody knew you left.
is sending my x-mas cards
is cleaning my cat's ears. I'm living the high life.
is seriously... how do you people do this everyday. The sun isn't even up.
@audioalt not working = not getting paid for work
can't believe how busy it can be not working.
Ordering my x-mas cards.
is photoshoping
off to Ax-Man! See you at practice tonight to stress test the new track lights and lay a new masking tape track on the front side!
is rocking it at the Boiler Room eating waffles before heading over to
just failed at getting his Cruiser started. Thank god I've got two cars!
is at butter ... Enjoying life
fixed my cat's litter box! It robots once again.


Celina Chuck Olsen Veronica Belmont Aaron Kevin Rose Fake Henry Rollins Cali Lewis Dave Troy Barack Obama Rocketboom Leo Laporte rachel herder Al Franken Erin, the eradicator glamslam WFTDA scores frm DNN spike WFTDA bjmacke Chinese Take-Out rebelstella Stephen T. Colbert scarmen28 Glarkware patzoa John C. Dvorak Mayor R.T. Rybak alexalbrecht Jeff Cannata TheInDecider Cobra Commander LucyMichelle JillRiley Don Draper spacebug fixiechic