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Sunset in Wasilla and Anchorage is at 3:56 PM local time.☃
May You and Your Family Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
The sun rises at 9:23 AM in Anchorage, Alaska.
Thanks for all your good wishes. ♥
Sarah Palin is governing the state of Alaska.
The other side wanted it more and were willing to work harder and smarter for it. That's America.
Gov. Sarah Palin is watching election results with Sen. John McCain in Phoenix, Arizona.
Last chance to make a difference! Get out the vote for McCain-Palin -- now or never!
First polls close in about an hour in GA, IN, KY, SC, VT and VA for a total of 58 Electoral College votes.
1st Exit Poll of Voters: 27% contacted by Obama team vs 19% contacted by McCain team
Right now, the most important thing is to get voters out to vote. How much does the election mean to you?
When people get home from work, they'll hear your message reminding them to vote. Then they'll go out and vote!
Call registered voters in Florida to remind them to vote -- for Sarah Palin!
Registered voters just need a little push to get them out the door and vote! Do it for Sarah Palin!
"I Hope, Pray, Believe I Will Be Able to Wake Up as Vice President Elect" -- Sarah Palin
Nothing like the rush you get when you persuade a registered voter to go out and vote for McCain-Palin
Do more today! Call registered voters to remind them to vote for McCain-Palin
Call your friends and family, even out of state. Make sure they go out and vote. Leave a message. Every vote counts!
Sarah Palin is in Alaska to vote in Wasilla. John McCain will cast his vote in Phoenix, Arizona. Get Out The Vote for McCain/Palin!
Find out what other McCain and Palin supporters are saying on Twitter this Election Day.


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