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@johnbreslin Question is though do they want to go for a few drinks on Thursday?
@gapingvoid I'm an entrepreneur and I'm a lifestyle tourist. I like running around like a maniac solving problems... srsly I do.
@stevemc11 Considering that's when all the sales are made. That could actually really hurt them.
I've setup and run call centres. This stuff is hilarious.
@patphelan Cheers for the chat. Always good to know I'm not the only one thinking things. (Re A list)
@czajkowski Usually a Chrimbi special and new season sarts in January-ish.
Who's up for some tweetup drinks in Galway this week. There must be at least 4 Galway types on here. @johnbreslin?
@sanity Ha my cat does that too.
Not going to @twinterval now. :(
Just got apple pie and ice cream from @jessimannering for dessert. Dat's why we iz maweed. :)
@clarocada How are you my man? IS Scotland freezing at mo?
@acton Do you reckon? I think that's a bit of a stretch (and I'm being kind). Why wouldn't they just use hot or not?
@iephp BTW who did the design?
@iephp Like the change in the account page Makes much more sense now. I have a few ideas u might like. DM me ur email I'll send them along.
@iephp C'mere. Does any other url shortening thing do what you guys do with analytics?


Jack Dorsey crystal Evan Williams Peter Berg Chris Sacca seanbonner Wayne Sutton Aaron Bailey Ross Mack D. Male om Nick Douglas Ken Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Jon Larkowski Rob Hayes Aubrey Sabala Jason Calacanis Chaitanya Sagar Scott Hussein Rafer Frank Gilroy James Corbett Chris Brogan Jim Long Pat Paul M. Watson cgallagher Brian Solis Ian Forrester Darran Crowley David Stone Snook Jim Callender Robert Scoble
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