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Paraphrased from @clin: Photowalkers are "enthusiastic/misguided tourists." Someone wanna design that shirt?
@clin Nice! It should be, "I'm GOING to take photos on my way home." ;-)
I'm a mess today after being out late last night. I'll chug some coffee now, but...yeah.
Tom Morello (The Nightwatchman), the Freedom Fighters Orchestra, and Boots Riley were awesome. Thanks to @goldenvoice for the tickets!
Inside the El Rey with Chris to see Tom Morello (The Nightwatchman).
Whoa, sweet, I got tickets to see The Nightwatchman (Tom Morello). Thanks to @goldenvoice for the hookup.
@shibbydacury I'm never speaking to you again.
@auer1816 You definitely should. Feel better, man.
I want to photowalk today, but need to get the band website online. Any (red-based) WordPress theme recommendations? I'll love you forever.
Time to see the inside of my eyelids.
@Blu_Iguana I don't, so if I get a flash, I'll get a diffuser, too. Thanks!
@auer1816've angered the Asian community. ;-)
Fried rice and dumplings are some of my favorite things.
@airencracken Thanks for the heads up! :)
@neilcreek Thanks for the tip about flash triggers!
P.S. She's laid back and I'm mentally freaking out.
After a lot of pondering, I sent TEN questions to the main photographer about a wedding I'm helping with (2nd photog) on Dec 28th.
I'm going to the roof for some fresh air and a cup of hot chocolate. Be back at my desk in a few minutes.
Camping in the Wedding Photography Flickr discussion group (, researching on what I need to rent (or beg for).
@askmeques I'm not sure we'd mind. We should get out of our comfort zone that is the Los Angeles area.


Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Arnold Camille Justine Chris Brogan julien Chris Marsden Heilemann Nick Momrik  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble photomatt MJ sizemore urban bohemian Thomas Hawk Chris Nixon  Anna Adam Brett Kelly Adam Bullied Silas Perez Jenifer Hanen Paul Stamatiou Raoul Pop Michael Doan Joyent Sandra Jeff Keni Pulver hotdogsladies Patrick Scoble Michael Mistretta Chris Pirillo Annie Tsai Mike Hedge
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