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(last tweet because cards are now stacking up at the office... use the $ a different way...)
Christmas idea:dont buy stuff/dont send cards. Save the $, make an investment in somethin like http://www.discoverhopefund... + an email
best distraction of the day thus far: Simpsons parody of Apple. To a former NeXT employee like me, even funnier :-)
I am planning on going to Houston Tech Center Startup Happy Hour tomorrow. DM me if you will be there, let's catch up then
@techranch is in the process of pulling down more inexpensive month to month office space. If you are looking, let me know.
Great to see that it is raining!!!!
talked with Novacentrix (printed circuits), a web startup, and looked for office space. go speed racer, go :-)
working from home this morning. lots-o-phone-calls till lunch, then back to the ranch.
@headset thanks for leading our stage team at Bootstrap Experience!!!
Headed to the bootstrapaustin meeting. Bummed to be late, but happy to be connected to my tribe
getting rid of tshirts from 20 years of technology and a few from college. most cheesy: Hot Java tshirt from Sun.
just got back from mountain biking. Not as much fun as Aikido, but still can create that crazy-flying-through-the-air feeling that I love
email at the house. Lots of emails to follow up on, just realized that I forgot to follow up with a couple of people.
Caught up on my sleep... and had amazing pancakes here at the house. Hoping for a lazy day.
finally a Guiness to finish a beautiful week. Glad @damonflowers is here to celebrate too!
headed to the ranch shortly... will be returning calls in the car.
working from home this morning, will be at @techranch in 2 hours. BTW, Fridays are when @jonaslamis & I have free office hours @techranch
Thanks to all that joined us tonight at the Austin Tech Happy Hour with the @techranch. Looking forward to building business together w/ u!
@kevinblanchard great grabbing dinner with you & @jonaslamis and @mgenovese!
At the Tech Happy Hour at Molotov. Come on by!


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