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finally chairs have arrived, still no desks so sitting in a new chair working at the kitchen surface in the new office
standing working from the kitchen surface in the new office waiting for BT man to come and plumb the internets in for us
off for a meal with the lady... need a beer to wind down its been a very hectic week
seems like have fixed their pricing and put it back to 709E
iphone 3G fully unlocked from at 229 Euros ? surely a mistake ? look for the grey price at the bottom)
also @ribotminimus has made a lovely drawing of the new place
excited about our new office and new office buddies (the @ribot (s) )
not watching the rugby highlights... instead a roast followed by treacle sponge! recovering from last night's fun as a vicar in a tutu
On my way back from the rugby (pesky kiwis) about to dress up as a vicar in a tutu for a song titles party.
on yet another train, seem to spend my life on trains at the moment.
is very very tired but happy
wish i had the energy and commitment to stay up for US Election mania, but have a busy few days ahead of me now, early starts and all that
I just voted for Obama in #TwitVote --
about to talk at CJM 08
First oblique cern reference in Neal stephensons anathem - page 262 - leading to the "terrible events" !
Oh Milton Keynes is calling .
in the absence of Brad Rmcl and I must PM ! and in the absence of Tyra we must also administrate!
7 hours driving today as well as 7 hours at a supplier event. Hopefull that means 7 new deals.
over heating in office, a whole day in here is hurting my head - looks like i will be in again tomorrow!
abort abort, testing aborted for the night - time for some food i think


Robert Brook Dominic Tinley ribot Spif Josh Russell Matt Biddulph mikel Matt Webb Rod McLaren geo Tom Hume Jay Devi Brighton Weather David LaPlante Darth Vader Nivi Jane Dallaway Sophie Barrett Ant Clay Phil Whitehouse Opera Software Rupert france24 Satoka F Zombie Attack JunkDNA Fiction Maki Andy Powell Sussex Digital Frank Steele jerome RomainLibeau Fake Steve Jobs Presence Machine willcarling