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on way to get soy latte, then get my nails done, then grocery shop. Yes, it's one of those boring tweets
@janowska I just wish twitterific was more feature-rich.
BTW: TwitterFon repeatedly it just me?
Intermission @ local production of "Plaid Tidings", sequel to "Forever Plaid"
@moldymom Hope to announce skeleton schedule on 12/15 (yikes) & yes saw Big Give & forwarded it to BlogHer's editor list
@jenandtonica LOL I so relate...I'm very
@dtanton Obviously I love @chirky too :) @Emergiblog This time I swear we'll even SEE EACH OTHER at BlogHer!
@jenantonica Social life? Oh yeah Back when I called people & made plans & did things. Not sure SM ruined that or just starting BlogHer :)
No idea how 2 narrow down to 30 sessions. Good thing will have open 2-day Geek Lab w/2 presentation areas (1 Beg./1 Adv.) throughout conf.
Reviewing hundreds of BlogHer 09 submissions in prep. for 2-day agenda brainstorm mtg w. @chirky. Excited she's coming to CA 2 do in person!
@anneglamore For reals :) He is surprisingly hilarious...just a really talented guy. Who'd a thunk it?
Just bought Coldplay EP & Beyonce on iTunes. Sometimes popular=also good :) Besides, now I can imagine JT in leotard & heels any time I want
Bah! Still digging out of post-Thanksgiving Vacation avalanche. Certainly takes the fun out of vacations to come home!
@GeekMommy Ohhh. Well, in that case...good call! :)
@GeekMommy Yeah! Go for the Wiiiiiii
@michellelamar @QueenofSpain Yes, it's pretty easy 2 improve but I do only do it, like, 15 mins every other day so I'm not in the fast lane
@QueenofSpain Yes. And it tells me I seem stiff, have a poor center of balance etc. etc. But I do have mad hula hooping skillz.
Oops meant to @QueenofSpain on that last one about my mad skillz.
@ElisaC Oh, I have mad hula hopping skillz! Could live w.o. the Wii scolding tho: "It's been 3 days since we saw u...try to come every day"
@thatwoman Yes, I'm living proof that vegans aren't all wraith-like creatures. @dtanton Hey as long as they're all potty-trained, I'm cool.