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Ha! Dan Miller reports on Dan Miller: Very nice, @bydanielvictor, very nice.
As if it really matters what I think...
@bethshanna Park, get out of the car, and correct wayward protesters sign in red. That'll show him! You do carry around red pens, right?
Nonetheless, sorry for all the talented, dedicated folks who lost their jobs today - at yet another titan of American journalism.
Day to Day was good, but others can fill in the gap. News & Notes couldn't fill Tavis Smiley's large shoes.
NPR layoffs: Sad but hardly surprising. Non-profit != free from market sources. NPR still doing relatively well.
@Digidave In North Carolina, nothing but winter rain, rain, and more rain right now.
@shortyawards I nominate @lotd for #music: A sublime bit of daily, crowd-sourced serendipity + a way to discover or remember great songs.
@jdlasica Ouch, a freeze on all non-KNC grants at Knight? Bad news.
@brianboyer Newsmixer is pretty exciting. I'd love to talk to you soon about adapting, esp for college media. Will blog about it @copress.
@Digidave It's been a while since I've showered, and lately I hardly ever see the outdoors. Blast, exam week.
Poll results: Robot sex is so cool, totally not cheating! Conclusion: Asylum readers are 70% creepy. (Via @guykawasaki)
@sunlightnetwork @redwhiteandnews The cake is not a lie! I've seen it: But look at me talking while there's science to do.
On education, a must-read diatribe: 'First, Kill All School Boards' Over the top, yeah, but I think he gets a lot right.
@slbrinkley Cool! I've drooled over that very GWU program before, but never had a summer I could go. Looks great. Good luck!
@polarscribe Haha, Kaus on unions like Putin on Georgia. Doesn't make it not true. That's the most colorful example of much I've read.
@johnrobinson Hey, I was sour on that use of 'it sucks' and I'm way too young to be called an old foagie! Hopefully, anyway.
Luckily, I think a solid consensus is building against unions & for merit pay. I'm less bullish on broader ed solutions.
@jiconoclast @polarscribe Yes, teachers unions + bad school boards + a Gordian knot of overlapping gov authorities = total education mess.
@slbrinkley Cool. What DC internship are you going for - if you don't mind sharing?


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