Michael Markman’s Favorites

Robert Scoble
Scobleizer What does 4,500 early adopters look like? Click here to see:
Richard Mondello
rmondello tells me I should start listening to Embrace because they sound similar to Athlete and Keane. Sounds good to me!
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan There's really only one speaker I envy, delivery-wise. @garyvee. He's going to crush speaking in 2009.
Meryl at Beanstalk
Meryl333 @Kidscash People will "advertise" anyway they can. If it get's obnoxious, stop following them. Talk me down :-)
Kelby Carr
typeamom @vaspersthegrate Absolutely! I mean, I already am just embarrassed about people voting to ban gay marriage. But your points are excellent!
David Sifry
dsifry @djg2theworld brought tears to my eyes. Great post. Very saddened/disappointed about 8.
Jason Barnett
JasonBarnett Rumor: Norm Coleman going to make a statement today about suing Al Franken? More on this soon.
Rob Cottingham
RobCottingham @jpostman How 'bout we agree to start describing interfaces as "acrid and bitter, with acid notes and a charcoal finish?"
Nick Douglas
nick Twitter confession: On Saturday nights I twitter from my phone so it looks like I'm not alone at home.
delong SDJ: Rudy Giuliani Enters the Race: For 2012, that is. I thought you were supposed to wait until after..
Ro (Lilyhill)
lilyhill "Students Competing For Slots At Elite Colleges Resorting To "Facebook Sabotage""
Chris Brogan
chrisbrogan @ConversationAge - oh no, it's lovely. I'm just in a presentation and can't devote the attention it deserves. GREAT post.
Lee Stranahan
Stranahan Watch this - and God bless Ron Howard
francine hardaway
hardaway @mickeleh Monetization coming slowly. Read my blog post just now.
Beth Kanter
kanter I qiked Chris Brogan's social media workflow demonstration
Michael Gartenberg
Gartenberg Old Wall St saying. Market can be irrational longer than you can be solvent.
Karoli @emperornorton @cgerrish yeah, felt like time to remember that past all the rhetorical garbage, one cries hope; the other cries death.
Seth Eagelfeld
Obstructionist Spitzer and Edwards should start a travelling cabaret...
Bill Palmer
billpalmer I think McCain's really confused. now he's trying to link Obama to Beetle Bailey.
Michael Turk
MichaelTurk @James_Eiden Oh god, she's awful. Ann Coulter makes me rethink my political affiliation. We should shoot her into space.



Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Noah Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Justin Williams om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Paul Terry Walhus PhoneBoy Scott Beale Hardie Tankersley thomasknoll Dan Patterson Chris Prakoso Matthew Gifford Dave Winer mdy Jennifer Woodard M Justine Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan julien Whitney Hoffman Rob Cottingham Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Doug Haslam Jim Long Lachlan Hardy Alex de Carvalho
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