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Seeking jr computer tech for light work in Atlanta office. College student type gig or person wanting extra $. Interested, rickm099@gmail.
Just ate a delicious California style burrito from Willy's. Yum.
Good piece from Jill Whalen this morning on about opportunities in the search marketing world.
Don't buy all the media gloom. Many firms are hiring. We're hiring & so are lots of others for marketing & ad jobs
Good post about The Battle of the Brands on BTB, http://www.beneaththebrand....
I just logged onto the Net via a Wii. Pretty cool. Looks fuzzy on the TV though. Typing is realatively easy.
I was about yesterday in Atlanta & noticed a few apartment complexes that looked like they were built to be condos. Condos now go apartment.
@phenom1984 that's a good line. I don't think that is happening, but I like your comment.
@timstaines, yes but parts & warranties are no reason to give the Big Dumb 3 $34 billion of taxpayer money. IMO Chpt 11 is the best option.
One of the best things that can happen now for us is for the banks to start lending money. Money needs to be available and moving around.
@savagemike BTW, I'm not defending Wall Street, congress or the current administration. This credit crisis has been a bit of a perfect storm
@savagemike finance & credit are a world away from auto, sadly for auto.
Look at the airlines. They have done a nice job restructuring, cutting operating costs, renegotiating labor contracts, merging. Auto can 2.
@savagemike our finance & credit markets are like oxygen. We couldn't allow them to fail. For the USA a GM bankruptcy is the best option.
OK a lot of people have asked me about job survival advice for tough times. Here goes: Don't fear the Whitewater. Work hard. Tune out media.
@phenom1984 good question phenom. Too much to cover here, but Chp 11 is the start. Reorg, address unions, think mergers, consolidate spend.
@WorkPlusFaith agreed, but the bailout is not the answer.
@pslove Good idea. I love innovative thinking like that, especially on small everyday uses anyone can use.


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