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  For Immediate Release    
  December 8, 2003    
Baird secures crucial transportation funds for Cowlitz County
Improve safety of our roads, mobility of freight and quality of life

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Brian Baird secured $2 million in federal funding to add an additional lane to Interstate 5 between Rush Road and Maytown.  The project will increase motorist safety and alleviate commuter traffic congestion in the area.  The funding was included in the FY 2004 omnibus appropriations bill, which passed the House this afternoon. 

Currently, I-5 from the Rush Road interchange to the Maytown interchange has only two lanes of travel in each direction.  Bottlenecks frequently occur in this stretch of interstate as traffic in both directions, traveling in three lanes, is compressed.  With the increased use of I-5 in recent years, delays and congestion have been frequent, increasing the safety risk to motorists traveling this stretch of road.

“This project creates a safer, more efficient interstate for us to use,” said Baird.  This bridge is critical to motorist safety and transportation efficiency in the region,” said Baird.  “By constructing an additional access point to the Interstate, we reduce the amount of traffic cutting through our neighborhoods and relieve congestion in one of the busiest interchanges in the county.”
