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  For Immediate Release    
  September 25, 2003    
Baird Secures Authorization for Baker Bay / Ilwaco Harbor Study, Dredging
Project crucial to local fishing industry, economy

Washington, D.C. - The growing problem of siltation in Baker Bay and Ilwaco Harbor came one step closer to resolution yesterday, due to the efforts of U.S. Rep. Brian Baird.  Baird secured crucial authorization to study and reduce the siltation in the region’s waterways.  Earlier in the year, Baird held a series of meetings with local officials and business owners who are concerned that the sediment will further cripple the local fishing industry and commerce if left unchecked.  As a result of the meetings, Baird drafted an authorizing provision, which was then included in the Water Resources Development Act (H.R. 2557), passed by the House on Wednesday night.

“Increased siltation in the bay and harbor has harmed the local economy,” said Baird.  “We need to ensure that we understand the cause and can correct the problem to protect our local jobs.”

The language included in the provision instructs the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a study of the increased siltation in Baker Bay and Ilwaco Harbor and determine if the problem has arisen due to a Federal Navigation Project (FNP) - including diverted flows from the Columbia River.  If the Secretary’s study determines the FNP is causing the siltation, authorization is granted to carry out a project to remedy the situation. 
