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  For Immediate Release    
  September 24, 2003    
Baird Secures Key Authorization for Flood Control Project
Corps’ report will determine funding for solution

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Brian Baird scored a victory for Lewis County in the current Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).  Through negotiation within the Transportation and Infrastructure committee, Baird secured a crucial authorization for funding to complete the Centralia Flood Control Project.  The level of funding will be determined by the Corps of Engineers Chief’s Report, detailing the work to be completed.  The Chief’s Report will be completed later this fall.  

“We have waited far too long for a solution to the chronic flooding in the Chehalis River basin,” said Baird.  “This authorization is a crucial step towards completion of the project and I look forward to working with the Corps to ensure that a common sense solution to the flooding is put in place.”

The House passed its version of WRDA on Wednesday, September 24.  The legislation will now be considered in the Senate.
