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  For Immediate Release    
  May 6, 2004    
Baird Seeks Extension on Comment Period for Cowlitz Land-Trust
Asks BIA for adequate time to consider impact on local communities

Washington, D.C. - Responding to local concerns, U.S. Rep. Brian Baird asked the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to double  the length of time available for the public to comment on the Cowlitz Tribe land-trust application.  The Cowlitz have requested to place 150 acres of land in Clark County into trust, upon which they could conduct gaming and other activities. The BIA has allocated a 30-day period for public comment on the Cowlitz land-trust, however, the potential environmental impacts and the complexity of the EA document have prompted many in the affected communities to voice their desire that the period be extended. 

“The BIA must provide sufficient time for residents and officials to provide comment on a proposal of this magnitude,” said Rep. Baird. “The Tribe is committed to identifying the environmental impacts of its proposal and an extension of the comment period will allow affected communities an opportunity to fully examine and discuss the issue.”

Rep. Baird’s letter to the BIA requesting the extension is attached.
