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  For Immediate Release    
  February 25, 2003    
Congressional Methamphetamine Caucus to Preview Television Special
Baird invites colleagues to view gritty documentary on meth abuse

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Baird, along with other members of the Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamine Abuse, will preview an upcoming television special on meth abuse this Friday, February 28, 2003.  The Caucus works to raise congressional awareness on methamphetamine abuse and advocates for legislation aimed at combating meth across the U.S.

“We need to continue raising awareness about meth around the nation,”said Rep. Baird.  “My colleagues and I in the Meth Caucus have taken the lead in Congress to educate legislators and I am confident this film takes the glamour out of methamphetamine use. We need to let people know how devastating this drug is, and how it can tear apart the lives of those who use it.  This film shows that in graphic detail.”

The television special, produced by Home Box Office (HBO), will air nationally on Tuesday April 8, 2003 at 10:00 pm. 
