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  For Immediate Release    
  January 29, 2004    
Baird and Wu ask President Bush to Expand Ft. Clatsop Memorial and Make Lewis & Clark Sites a National Park
Would benefit local communities, bring federal funds to improve and maintain historic sites

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Reps. Brian Baird and David Wu urged President Bush to fund the expansion of Fort Clatsop National Memorial and create a Lewis and Clark National and State Historic Park today.  In a letter to the President, Reps. Baird and Wu requested the creation of the national historic park to incorporate Fort Clatsop along with three sites on the north shore of the Columbia; Cape Disappointment State Park (Formerly Fort Canby State Park), Station Camp and Megler Safety Rest Area.

President Bush previously recognized the region’s rich history pertaining directly to the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery when he signed into law the Fort Clatsop National Memorial Expansion Act (P.L. 107-221).  Authored by Reps. Baird and Wu, this bill authorized the National Park Service to expand the boundaries of the Fort Clatsop National Memorial from 130 to 1,500 acres and evaluate the significance of three Lewis and Clark sites on the north shore of the Columbia River for potential inclusion into Fort Clatsop National Memorial.  Reps. Baird and Wu were joined by a number of colleagues from their respective states in requesting funding for this expansion, and will continue to pursue the matter as the Lewis and Clark Bi-Centennial approaches. 

“By incorporating sites on the north shore of the Columbia with Fort Clatsop, we make it easier for people to learn the whole story of the Corps of Discovery in our region,” said Rep. Baird.  “This is a pivotal step in preparation for the bi-centennial and the tourism it will bring.  An increase in visitors will be a tremendous boom to local economies and the more coordination we have between regional sites, the more benefit our communities will see.”

“The expansion of Fort Clatsop will create an international tourist destination leading to new investment, economic development, and job creation throughout northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington,” said Congressman David Wu.  “I call on President Bush and the Congressional leadership to provide the resources this year to finish the expansion of Fort Clatsop.”

The text of the letter, along with a list of co-signers is attached.

