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  For Immediate Release    
  August 13, 2004    
Baird Announces $472,000 in Housing Grants for City of Olympia
Funding will improve access to affordable housing and emergency shelters for local residents

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. Brian Baird joined the City of Olympia today to announce the receipt of over $500,000 in grant funding to improve access to housing within the city.  These funds, part of a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) will help lower income families and individuals rent or purchase their own home and expand outreach services in the city to reduce homelessness.  The funds will be available on September 1, 2004 through August 31, 2005. 

“This funding will help Olympia residents gain access to affordable housing, putting roofs over the heads of many who sometimes struggle to make ends meet,” said Rep. Baird.  “By improving access to housing, we give people a foundation upon which to build their dreams, raise their families and give back to our community.”

“The HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a great example of a flexible partnership that allows communities to respond to local needs and at the same time address national objectives such as maintaining our existing affordable housing stock,” said Olympia Mayor Mark Foutch.  “Our housing rehabilitation program has rehabilitated over 800 housing units and has stabilized a number of low income neighborhoods.”

$341,000 of the HUD CDBG grant will help with rehabilitation loans and services to preserve existing affordable housing for low and moderate income renters and owners.  Additional funds included in the HUD grant will go to Together! Evergreen Villages After School Project, Community Youth Services Transitional Housing Program for Homeless Youth, Thurston County Tenants Union - Homeless Prevention Counseling Services and will also provide down payment assistance for low-income home buyers through Habitat for Humanity and other non-profit organizations. 
