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  For Immediate Release    
  June 27, 2003    
Baird Announces Additional FEMA Funding for Olympia
for Expenses from the Nisqually Earthquake
$236,177 Reimbursement Approved on Appeal

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Representative Brian Baird today notified the City of Olympia that their second appeal to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for reimbursement for expenses incurred as a result of the Nisqually Earthquake in February, 2001, was approved. 

The City will receive $236,177 from FEMA for the overtime labor costs of operating a second fire and medical response unit from March 31, 2001, to July 9, 2001.  The second unit was necessary after the earthquake because of the damage to the 4th Avenue Bridge, which presented an immediate threat to public health and public property, FEMA ruled.

“This decision is great news for the City of Olympia,” said Rep. Baird.  “The City did the right thing in 2001 when they authorized the operation of a second fire and medical response unit following the Nisqually earthquake.  Without any financial consideration, the City put the safety and welfare of Olympians before the City’s own budgetary concerns.  FEMA’s decision allows the City to close the books on expenses resulting from the earthquake.”

“The City of Olympia is very pleased to recover the costs incurred by the Fire Department responding to the aftermath of the February 2001 Nisqually earthquake.  We’re grateful for the work that was done on our behalf,” said Greg Wright, Assistant Fire Chief and Emergency Management Coordinator for the City of Olympia.

The reimbursement funds will be released by John E. Pennington, Regional Director of FEMA, at the direction of Laurence W. Zensinger, Acting Director of the Recovery Division, Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate, Department of Homeland Security.
