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Wondering if my facebook Twitter app was the problem with api calls. No issues with tweetelater pro all afternoon.
RT @markdavidson: @amoyal Please give me a ring when you have a chance, thanks. My number is in my profile. :-) --- perfect example for Phwe
Studying various iPhone apps although am getting tired. Some are crashing too. Not sure why.
Just pulled the dog out of the creek.. have no idea how she got out. covered in mud! It was a diversion from work.
Changed my twitter password again! Still getting apps barred from logging in. API limits exceeded etc. One at a time now. None for 1 hour
@mrtweet will give me an answer in approximately 5.3 days.
New blog post: links for 2008-12-05
reposting the climate change link that was apparently broken.
A damming indictment on Bush / Govt policy in general and climate change. Figures are worse than I've seen before. ......
New blog post: AT& T is Crippling my iPhone
@dealexpert Why can't I just get a 9inch wireless 2nd screen for my iPhone and a keyboard? I agree with the cloud. Current price focus a -ve
@SherylBreuker but aren't they on a collision with a smartphone? Wouldn't a Kindle be better in your bag with an iphone/blackberry?
Netbooks may be the story I still don't buy the forward volume projections. Will they miss the mark or not?
Good Morning all! Crunch time to finish an initial draft document today. Should make the self imposed deadline without a problem.
@dealexpert I wish! I did ask the guard if I could sit in the R8 as I'm not at all sure that my height will allow me to drive it.
At SF auto show on the weekend. No (zero almost)foot traffic in GM and Chysler area while long waits at Mini's etc. These Brands are broken
On auto industry the ceo's are only providing window dressing. We are wasting time trying to save gm as it is today. Find a good receiver.
No oversight by treasury means bankers got a trillion dollar gift. Why continue with paulson?
@brianstelter maybe you should engage them in social media so everyone learns and while you are about it follow many more Tweeters. :)
Searched Twitter for "verizon ivan": Does Verizon even track this stuff? If not prime example for socmedia consult


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