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@PatriciaTessier @bduperrin, @Emergent007 .. Harry's bar, have a virtual 25 Euro scotch on me ;-)
Catching up on things Facebook .. haven't used for a while but reconnecting with many from my past lives .. actually pretty useful
@james_andres .. come on, give us your first tweet ;-)
RT @andybeal Only 16% of online consumers that read corporate blogs say they trust them, according to a new Forrester Research report
@Emergent007 .. some cultural elements in / of Europe portend well for socnet use in corps, IMO
@Emergent007 re: Didier Lombard & Europe is late ... I think they will catch up very fast in the next couple of years
@GeorgeAtha .. of course you are right ;-)
Good morning (altho' too early), world !
@ddonat .. welcome back to rainy Vancouver
Bonne chance au Quebec .. tho' I suspect things won't change much in this election
@Ross .. nice new site, looks more like a mainstream IT company web site now and less a wiki pioneer site
Looking at Chris Brogan's site ... my conclusion; he's not shy
interesting .. http://programforthefuture.... .. interactive conference inspired by Engelbart's harnessing technology for human betterment
As in "burn-off all the shit that's piled up on me, sleep and whine and complain for a few days, then shrug and get on with things"
Reading @martinroell and @stephtara discussing "burn-out" ... and thinking in today's world cyclical burn-out should be called "Burn-off"
A quick hello to friends like @Emergent007 and @bduperrin at LW 08 ... still wishing I was still in Paris
@willpate .. sorry to hear about Toronto and snow ... Vancouver is having an early October day (of course) in mid-December
RT @bas1809 .. ... Possibility of supply disruptions in oil in 2009 due to debt crisis is real .. Pay Attention !
OMG, it's Monday !
RT @jdlasica heard on good authority John Seely Brown, former hd of Xerox Parc, lead candidate re: CTO in Obama administration ... great !


Jerry Michalski danah boyd Ross Ken Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Richard Smith Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Stewart Butterfield Chaitanya Sagar Dean Landsman John Tropea Stowe Boyd Jevon Gordon Ross Michael O'CC Boris Mann cyprien brian moffatt marianne richmond Stuart Dina Lee LeFever Tom Coates  Chris Heuer Euan Semple jeneane sessum Phil Wolff Paolo Valdemarin Tom Guarriello Shane Birley kris krug
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