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soaking in a quiet restful sunday morning - magnificat and - calm before a joyous storm to come
What made me think it would be a quick trip to the post office
great to see Eric, Diane and some Berkman circa 2001 folks at Creative Commons event
excited that larry lessig is coming back to Harvard to run Center for Ethics
wish i had practiced some cello this week
At future civic media and Berkman fellow meetup - 40 folks doing dazzling things, they better sort out the future quick.
tough times hitting public radio too - WBEZ cuts and now big ones at NPR
At Xmas bash on Davis. Music!
At ballad study Conf at harvard sitting in on presentation about robin hood legacy in music given mom!
wading through 4-way legal agreements for public media iPhone collaboration - it will all be worth it, keep telling myself
at berkman fellows hour: rating doctors, DMCA anti-circumvention, Berkman Radio podcasts up
met up w friend who just sold his 'life story rights' to hollywood
From @dweinberger: Tim Hwang inviting us to share rent on a missile silo @hellosilo Sign me up!
Heading over to info superhighway event at Prx/Berkman squared at 50 church
painting more walls at home to the dulcet tones of various iPhone music apps
@pgk2 Thx! Next up is remix, overdue for launch but getting ready
have joined the iphone masses. so far brian eno app rules them all.
Debating the rainy walk to Berkman
publick house in brookline with the prx crew - job well done getting 3.0 softly launched this weekend - big week to come.


Todd Mundt Andy Carvin john bracken David Weinberger Doc Searls Robert Paterson Thomas Kriese Catherine Bracy Brendan Greeley jasondma PRX Keith Hopper Karim R. Lakhani echonest Glynn Washington Music Recommender Matt MacDonald tamarakeith nextgenradio _eon_ karaoehler SOTRU rebeccanesson Israel Smith