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The family holiday gift grab bag is migrating to Now if only Uncle Dick will get on the Web....
Re: rickrolling. I never heard of Rick Astley, so I get the concept, but not the joke. Makes me feel like a digital immigrant.
Retweet @ziadbc: @drbarb where are you a prof at Columbia College in Chicago
@BarMath I'm a reporter doing a story on NowPublic move to running ads. Will you still send them stories? Can I use your reply?
@asteris Are you going to opt in to NP ads? I am reporting on this, so can I use your answer in my story?
@1god Looks like you are eating and drinking your around the city. Keep warm
@agahran And what is wrong with wanting vacation time? Finally repudiation of the 1950s post WWII efficiency cult, right?
Does anyone write for NowPublic? I'm looking for your reaction to their moving to commercialize some of their content. Yea or Nay?
Okay, I am clueless too. What is rickrolling?
@drsyb Now, now, TV exacts its price. Have a wonderful holiday.
@Suntimes check out Buy Nothing Day and stay home with people you can connect with/love
@stevejfox I liked it and commented.
@coloneltribune I hadn't heard about a specific seat, but I have heard he wants to run soon.
Hitting the road for the trip home. Anyone using If so, how? Their tools are interesting.
@kboreilly I saw that. I like slow cooking too...
Experimenting by using my tumblr blog as my main blog for a time. Quicker to post. Anyone else like tumblr?
In Florida, 70 degrees. Tomorrow, Chicago, 30 degrees.
When do pitchers and catchers report? In Feb. sometime.
Taking care of ma's condo. Moving out old stuff, throwing out garbage. I would rather be in the pool. What to do with wicker furniture...


Mark Smithivas Tammy Green Bridget Houlihan David Kadavy Daniel X. O'Neil Robert Scoble Stan Mazo Martin Stabe BL Hussein Ochman Nicole Simon Feast of Fools Andrew Huff Paul Bradshaw Andy Carvin Six Apart Damiano Vukotic Dave Troy Barack Obama Frank Gruber Bleu Caldwell Ryan Sholin Hillary Clinton Brian Beatty Barbara Rozgonyi Adrian Holovaty Muthu Ramadoss Mac Slocum Eric Rochow Katrin Verclas Michael Maranda Rene John Dickerson dalka Charlotte-Anne Lucas Directeur
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